Based on an Internet cartoon, Lil Pimp is the first feature-length film made with Macromedia Flash animation. Co-creators Mark Brooks and Peter Gilstrap are also the directors, screenwriters, and voices for the main cast. The story involves a little white boy with freckles named Lil Pimp (voice of Brooks) who lives in the suburbs with his pet gerbil Weathers (voice of Ludacris). After he meets Sweet Chiffon (voice of Lil Kim), he gets introduced to the world of pimping from Fruit Juice (voice of Bernie Mac). Just as Lil Pimp is on the way up in his new career, Mayor Tony Gold (voice of William Shatner) decides to level the neighborhood to make way for a new land development. Lil Pimp also features the voices of Carmen Electra and Jennifer Tilly. ~ Andrea LeVasseur, All Movie Guide
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