This German film consists of six separate vignettes each created by a different international director, each challenged to create brief erotic scenarios. The first, named Wet, was directed by Bob Rafelson and involves an encounter between a bathroom fixtures salesman and a customer who comes after hours to sample the hot tubs. The next, The Dutch Master, directed by Susan Seidelman, follows a modern womans obsession with 17th century Dutch painting and who eventually enters it to fulfill her dreams. The third, The Insatiable Mrs. Kirsch, is Ken Russells entry and tells the story of a young novelist who becomes obsessed with a highly-sexed woman addicted to auto-erotic pursuits. A young man gets what he wants after a voodoo woman grants his wish involving a hot woman and a motorcycle in the fourth episode directed by Melvin Van Peebles. Number five, Touch Me, by Paul Cox follows the amorous friendships of women. Finally the sixth episode, The Cloud Door, from Mani Kaul, involves a beautiful princess locked in a palace by a religious fanatic, a lascivious parrot, and a handsome young man. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide