In this eccentric British comedy, Patrick (David Hewlett) is an eccentric and socially inept man who lives alone in his parents rural Washington state house with just his pet dog, Mars for company. One of the few members of his family who shows much concern for him is his sister Marilyn (Kate Hewlett, Davids real life sibling), and hes delighted when she stops by to pay a visit - a little too delighted, as he feels extremely possessive of her on an almost unhealthy level. Marilyn works as a make-up artist on a science fiction television series, and accompanying her is her fiance, the genial actor Ryan (Paul McGillion) -- a cast member on the same series. Despite Ryans attempts to get off on good footing, Patrick immediately starts scheming and plotting the young mans murder, but he botches the majority of attempts and frequently only succeeds in injuring himself. When Ryan accidentally dies, Patrick realizes that Marilyn will inevitably blame him for it and read the death as deliberate. He buries the body and cooks up some phony reasons for
Ryans disappearance; problem is, Mars digs up the body to feast away on it, and even after Ryan buries it again (and again) the corpse mysteriously keeps getting exhumed. Leading man David Hewlett made his directorial debut with A Dogs Breakfast, in addition to writing the films screenplay. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide