Take a look at the chaos that unfolds behind the scenes of a live sketch comedy television series in the hit NBC series starring former SNL Weekend Update correspondent Tina Fey, former SNL cast member Tracy Morgan, and longtime screen star Alec Baldwin. In the premiere episode of 30 Rock, Liz (Fey) scrambles to find an act to replace the sketch of hers that has been cut from The Girlie Show at the last minute. Later, Liz and producer Pete (Scott Adsit) have a somewhat disenchanting meeting with new VP of Programming Jack Donaghy (Baldwin), who comes off as exceptionally arrogant and appears to want to change the entire format of the show. Additionally, Donaghy makes some sizable waves when he suggests bringing in controversial actor Tracy Jordan (Morgan) as the new star of the series. While Liz does eventually agree to meet with Tracy, the actor proves somewhat unpredictable and eventually drags her out to a soul food restaurant and a nearby strip club. Upon learning that Jack has fired Pete, Liz informs Tracy that she is going to quit The Girlie Show but Pete implores her not to quit over his firing. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide