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  Stephen King's The Langoliers
Science Fiction 1995 PG13

Plot: Ten passengers on a red-eye flight from L.A. to Boston discover that they are not the only people on the plane, but after making an emergency landing in Bangor, Maine, they discover that they are the o ...

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  Stephen King's Storm of the Century
Horror 1999 PG13

Plot: The first story Stephen King wrote specifically for a television miniseries, Storm of the Century is set in Little Tall Island, a small town off the coast of Maine. The citizens are braci ...

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  Stephen King Presents Kingdom Hospital: The Entire Series [4 Discs]
Drama 2004 NR

Plot: Based upon the critically acclaimed Lars von Trier miniseries Riget (The Kingdom), this American remake from fright master Stephen King unfolds over 15 hours and centers on ...

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Prime [WS]

Bewitched [WS]

Bloody Murder


Dirty Harry

Fantastic Four [Extended Edition] [2 Discs]