Originally aired as a four-part miniseries on Canadas Space cable network, Robocop: Prime Directives picks up after the events of 1993s Robocop 3 and was released straight-to-video in the U.S. as four seperate features. The first in the series, Robocop: Prime Directives - Dark Justice, introduces fans to Page Fletcher, who takes over the role of Robocop from Robert John Burke who played the character when Peter Weller left the series after 1990s Robocop 2. Ten years after first acquiring his cyborg body, an aging Robocop must face the fact that his now-grown son is an executive for OCP. Meanwhile, a mysterious group called The Trust has plans to reprogram Robo to do their evil biddings. Robocop: Prime Directives - Dark Justice is followed by Robocop: Prime Directives - Meltdown, Robocop: Prime Directives - Resurrection, and Robocop: Prime Directives - Crash and Burn. ~ Matthew Tobey, All Movie Guide